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• Provides guidance on general principles and concepts prior to consulting specialist works • Provides a comprehensive examination of the rights and liabilities of landowners • Includes coverage of all the main developments in case law, such as the Supreme Court decision in Bocardo SA v Star Energy UK Onshore Ltd. Autocad map 3d 2005 keygen torrent. • Deals with the complex issues which can arise between competing interests, highlighting potential issues and the means to resolve them • Includes extensive case referencing, showing how the law can be applied in practice. * eBooks and packages including an eBook may not be returned once the software key has been supplied. Your rights as a customer to access and use the ProView™ software and a ProView eBook are subject to acceptance of the. NB • An email with a registration key and instructions for accessing your eBook will be sent after checkout. For existing ProView users the eBook will appear in your library after checkout. • Forthcoming/pre-order eBooks will be available after the publication date.
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