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The Moonwalkers Who Could Have Been The Moonwalkers Who Could Have Been In the three and a half years between July, 1969 and December, 1972, twelve people walked on the moon. That fact is now well known. What is less well know is that there were fourteen others that could equally well have done so. Most people know the story of Apollo 13, which was sent to the moon with the intention of landing.

But that accounts only for two of the other possible moonwalkers. Who were the other twelve, and what basis do we have for saying that they were possible moonwalkers? That is the purpose of this page. Mathematical analysis malik arora pdf reader pdf. People who said no to a possible moonwalk Frank Borman According to both Slayton and Borman, Borman elected to retire rather than retrain on the LM in 7 months for Apollo 11 (at the time, Borman had no LLRV/LLTV experience). He informed Slayton of his intentions before flying Apollo 8, so he was not actually offered the Apollo 11 mission, but Slayton says that he would have considered sending the Apollo 8 crew on Apollo 11 if Borman had been willing. Borman further says that he was not interested in flying any mission after Apollo 11 because his primary motivation was flight testing rather than science.

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Borman never flew in space again after Apollo 8, his second mission. Jim McDivitt According to Slayton, McDivitt was offered the LMP seat on Apollo 14 with Sheppard commanding the mission. Slayton says that McDivitt declined the offer, at least in part because he did not wish to accept the mission if not in command. McDivitt, in his NASA oral history, says that he could have had command of Apollo 13 if he had wanted it. The Apollo 13 and 14 crews were swapped prior to their official assignment, so it is not clear which of the two missions McDivitt was referring to.

Whichever account is correct, it is clear that McDivitt could have had a prime crew assignment on a lunar landing mission if he had wanted it. At one point, Slayton also considered assigning the entire Apollo 9 crew (which McDivitt commanded) to Apollo 12, but he later decided against that when Borman declined to consider taking the Apollo 11 mission. McDivitt never flew in space again after Apollo 9, his second mission. Mike Collins According to both Slayton and Collins, Collins was offered command of the Apollo 14 backup crew, which would have led to command of Apollo 17. He declined that opportunity, and never flew in space again after Apollo 11, his second mission.