Protokol Zasedanij Soveta Po Pitaniyu V Dou

Many tweets seem to have been sent by hijacked computers, though the perpetrator(s) are not yet known. [ ] Internet [ ] Twitter users in Russia have reported being overwhelmed by pro-government tweets timed to Bolotnaya Square protest-related tweets. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal a request was made by Russia's (FSB), to the social media site to block opposition groups who 'encourage people to 'trash the streets, to organize a revolution.' Shadow fight 2 hack. Starting from 10 December all major Russian TV channels extensively reported on protests, and the leaders and participants of anti-government protests were invited to speak on TV on a number of occasions.

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From: fxoRcWktlq

Protokol zasedanij soveta po pitaniyu v dou o

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