Rivkin And Ryan Literary Theory An Anthology Pdf Files

Peter Steidlmayer,, 157, Wiley, 1989. 323 pagesLiterary Theory An Anthology, Julie Rivkin. Literary Theory: An Anthology is a definitive collection of. Above the runners hovers the torch of liberty. According to the school website. If the work is a PDF file with. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. Excel, and PowerPoint for $39.95. Literary Theory - An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies) by Julie Rivkin. First published 1998 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd Second edition published 2004. And New Criticism Introduction: Formalisms Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan It has. Those fields of study certainly may utilize literary monuments as documents of a.

Formalisms • 1. Introduction: 'Formalisms' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan • 2. 'Introduction to the Formal Method' / Boris Eichenbaum • 3. 'Art as Technique' / Viktor Shklovsky • 4. 'Thematics' / Boris Tomashevsky • 5.

Morphology of the Folktale / V. 'Discourse in the Novel' / Mikhail Bakhtin • 7. Rabelais and His World / Mikhail Bakhtin • 8.

'The Formalist Critics' / Cleanth Brooks • 9. 'The Language of Paradox' / Cleanth Brooks • Appendix. 'The Canonization' / John Donne • Pt. Structuralism and Linguistics • 1.

Introduction: 'The Linguistic Foundation' / Jonathan Culler • 2. Course in General Linguistics / Ferdinand de Saussure • 3. 'Two Aspects of Language' / Roman Jakobson • 4.

How To Do Things With Words / J. 'The Structural Study of Myth' / Claude Levi-Strauss • Pt. Psychoanalysis • 1. Introduction: 'Strangers to Ourselves: Psychoanalysis' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan • 2. Interpretation of Dreams / Sigmund Freud • 3. 'On Narcissism' / Sigmund Freud • 4.

'The Uncanny' / Sigmund Freud • 5. Beyond the Pleasure Principle / Sigmund Freud • 6. Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego / Sigmund Freud • 7. 'The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience' / Jacques Lacan • 8. 'The Symbolic Order' (from 'The Function and Field of Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis') / Jacques Lacan • 9. 'The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious or Reason since Freud' / Jacques Lacan • 10. Anti-Oedipus / Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari • 11.

'The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant' / Margaret Mahler • 12. 'Two Primary Configurations of Psychopathology' / Sidney J. Blatt and Shula Shichman • 13. 'Triangular Desire' / Rene Girard • Pt. Introduction: 'Starting With Zero: Basic Marxism' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan • 2. 'Dialectics' (from The Science of Logic) / G. Grundrisse / Karl Marx • 4.

German Ideology / Karl Marx • 5. Manifesto of the Communist Party / Karl Marx • 6. 'Wage Labor and Capital' / Karl Marx • 7. Capital / Karl Marx • 8. 'Hegemony' (from 'The Formation of the Intellectuals') / Antonio Gramsci • 9. Marxism and the Philosophy of Language / V.

Volosinov • 10. 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction' / Walter Benjamin • 11. Toyota hilux manual download. Historical Novel / Georg Lukacs • 12. 'Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses' / Louis Althusser • 13. 'Culture, Ideology, Interpellation' / John Fiske • 14. Sublime Object of Ideology / Slavoj Zizek • 15.

'White Guys Happiest, Study Finds' / Ronald Kotulak • 16. 'Nike Told of Worker Abuses in Vietnam Factories' / Verena Dobnik • Pt. Post-Structuralism, Deconstruction, and Post-Modernism • 1. Introduction: 'The Class of 1968 - Post-Structuralism par lui-meme' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan • 2. 'On Truth and Lying in an Extra-Moral Sense' / Friedrich Nietzsche • 3. Will to Power / Friedrich Nietzsche • 4.

Being and Time / Martin Heidegger • 5. Identity and Difference / Martin Heidegger • 6. 'Heterology' / George Bataille • 7.

Order of Things / Michel Foucault • 8. 'Differance' / Jacques Derrida • 9. System of Objects / Jean Baudrillard • 10. Archeology of Knowledge / Michel Foucault • 11. 'Plato's Pharmacy' / Jacques Derrida • 12. Revolution in Poetic Language / Julia Kristeva • 13. Discipline and Punish / Michel Foucault • 14.

Symbolic Exchange and Death / Jean Baudrillard • 15. Postmodern Condition / Jean-Francois Lyotard • 16. Thousand Plateaus / Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari • Pt. Feminism • 1.

Introduction: 'Feminist Paradigms' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan • 2. 'The Traffic in Women: Notes on the 'Political Economy' of Sex' / Gayle Rubin • 3. 'On the Politics of Literature' / Judith Fetterley • 4. 'The Power of Discourse and the Subordination of the Feminine' / Luce Irigaray • 5. 'Commodities amongst Themselves' / Luce Irigaray • 6. 'Sorties' / Helene Cixous • 7.

'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' / Laura Mulvey • 8. Madwoman in the Attic / Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar • 9. 'The Voice of the Shuttle is Ours' / Patricia Klindienst • 10. 'Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference' / Audre Lorde • 11.

'Notes Toward a Politics of Location' / Adrienne Rich • 12. 'Representation, Reproduction, and Women's Place in Language' / Margaret Homans • 13. 'Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe; An American Grammar Book' / Hortense Spillers • Pt. Gender Studies, Gay/Lesbian Studies, Queer Theory • 1. Introduction: 'Contingencies of Gender' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan • 2. 'Sexual Transformations' (from 'Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality') / Gayle Rubin • 3.