Serial Key Of Auslogics Boost Speed 9 Working Hard

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I have a request of the seasoned Techs here at CNET forum. Ive a problem that has me at my wits end. Im a layman ( 2 years computer science-basic-), in computer knowledge, own a Vista Home Premium, upgraded Windows 7 program. For the last couple of weeks Ive been using Auslogics Disc Defragmenter, daily, to remove error shell fragment files from my pc. Today, a subsystem check (registry check), discovered 66 registry errors on my pc.

Auslogics BoostSpeed 9 Crack + Serial Key is the latest an advanced pc optimization software. This software increase you pc speed and rendered them fastest. This software increase you pc speed and rendered them fastest.

The catch is, when led to their web page ( as suspected), was a promo for a upgrade to their boost speed system. A week ago, I downloaded BoostSpeed to my system, only to find out it was a trial, expecting payment after trial.

I removed program, now It keeps popping up. Is Boost Speed program a form of Malware? If so, rather than sinking deeper into the quicksand by improvising my own solutions, could a season Tech here forge a guess at what this problem stems from. Is it a Auslogics scam, and, if so, could you walk me through a solution. My thanks for your feedback.

Iclass software b9b9. Robert Garringer Message was edited by: admin to remove email address. Let's put it this way. All registry cleaners/fixers/whatever, are scams. The average user is probably better off never even knowing the registry exists. There is no good reason for them to be doing anything to, or with, it. These forums are littered with people who used these programs and ended up with a corrupted OS to show for it. And since we're on the subject, defragmenters are a tool that should have died about 15+ years ago.

For 99.9% of people, they serve no useful function. Some people try and argue that they prolong the life of a drive, but I say the best case scenario is it's all a wash. The activity required to defragment is at least equal to, if not far greater, than the amount of activity saved later. Moving along.

All those programs that claim to speed up your computer. They're generally along the same lines as registry programs.

There are three things that will affect computer speed, and it doesn't matter what OS it is. 1: CPU speed 2: RAM 3: Number of running programs Increase the first two, and reduce the third to improve system performance. You don't need some stupid program to do that. Since we're on the general subject, also stay away from RAM programs. Programs that claim to free RAM or whatever else. Those will slow your system down rather than speed it up, since they destroy the cache the OS builds to improve performance.

Finally, it's NEVER a good idea to put your email address into a forum post indexed by Google. Unless the idea is to get lots and lots of spam. I'll just go ahead and flag your post, and hopefully someone will kick it up to someone who has the ability to edit your post to remove it.

And it really sounds like this boost speed program is just annoyingly aggressive in its sales pitch. Always a mark of an inferior product you're better off without. Any worthwhile program won't need to resort to such heavy handed tactics, it can stand on its own merits. I wouldn't go so far as to call it malware though. You are wrong, I reinstalled the software a few times removing it and installing it in a while back and I had no pop-ups.

What pop-ups are you talking about here? If you had a virus on your pc why you're saying that it's auslogics' fault? I think you misunderstand something here. I do not regret having bought Auslogics BootSpeed, it is for me the best! Have used it for years without any problems. Auslogics is one of my favorite software providers.

They seem to know what they are doing, and it is about time there was a company who understands the pc user and their needs. Plus Auslogic updates and improves the software almost each month. Anyway, just thought I'd toss in my two cents worth! Is rather clear.

It says 'purchase'. Nothing really wrong with that.